Checkout our frequently asked questions below. If you still can’t find your answer, please contact us.
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Abstract FAQ's

IRACON 2023 abstract – new submission portal is hosted within the IRACON 2023 webpage. All abstract submission application resources can be found in one place, for members and non-members alike. Click on Abstract Tab and then Submit now to begin your application. Users without existing accounts will be asked to create a new account before they can begin a submission.

Abstract or case report submissions doesn’t have a fee attached. However if your abstract gets selected for the conference. You would be sent an invite to register for the conference which incur a fee.

Abstracts are considered incomplete if a required action in the submission process was not performed . To complete your abstract or revise the sections already drafted, you may return to Abstract Portal under the abstract tab and go to my submissions within the submission portal. this would redirect you the submissions details, recheck the content entered review your own submitted details and click on FINALYZE NOW.

You will be notified via email with a confirmation number. Until the email is received your submission is not consider on Submitted Status

This wouldn’t be possible, as modification after final submit is not permitted. However you may edit your submission before final submit from MY SUBMISSION in the abstract portal.

IRACON 2023 will send an e-mail notification to the presenting author . Only the person listed as the presenting author will receive this notification. The presenting author is then responsible for notifying additional co-authors. Notifications will be sent to all presenting authors only if the abstract is accepted.

Please contact for any other questions.

Registration Information

Yes, registrations are accepted onsite, however we encourage you to register early to receive valuable conference information and to take advantage of the pre-conference networking opportunities available to registered attendees on the IRACON 23 Portal.

Due to the popularity of the event, we recommend that attendees register early as there is always the possibility that the event will sell out.

The registration fee allows access to all events and functions during the event and includes: conference materials, receptions, meals and breaks as specified in the program.

All travel costs including air and hotel accommodations are the responsibility of the attendee. IRACON 23 has secured a block of rooms at the conference rate at the host hotel. Rooms in the conference room block are reserved for conference attendees. Detailed hotel information including a link and instructions to book your reservation at the host hotel are included in the registration confirmation.

After completing registration, you will be routed to a confirmation page that will allow you to add the event to your calendar, print a receipt, edit your registration, as well as view a map and directions. In addition, you will receive a confirmation email with your registration information.

Registration payment is by charge card. View all payment details and rules in the registration terms and conditions section here.

Cancelled registrations that are eligible to receive a credit memo if abided with the cancellation policy. View all registration cancellation rules in the registration terms and conditions section.

Credit card processing problems are generally caused by a mismatch in the billing address of the credit card holder. Check that the address entered matches the billing address listed with your credit card provider or contact your credit card provider to authorize the charge.

The system will save all the information you have previously entered. Simply enter the email address that you used to begin the registration and the password created during the initial registration and the fields will auto populate with the data entered.

We do not offer an exhibit or expo access only ticket. Registration tickets are based around attending all days of the event and provide access to all sessions, functions, and receptions during the event. The exhibit hall and conference venue are accessible to all attendees with the ability to move freely about the event. Many of the meals and receptions are hosted on the exhibit floor.

General Conference Information

The IRACON 23 offers many opportunities to network and socialize with fellow attendees. Relax with your colleagues and newfound friends at a variety of functions. Refer to the program for times and locations.

Networking with other conference attendees is available through the attendee platform which will be open to all registered attendees approximately 3 weeks prior to the start of the event. From the platform you will have access to a list of registered attendees who have opted into the networking platform. The attendee list is searchable by several different criteria. You can view a list of attendees with their institute , first name or registration type

The IRACON 23 Portal will be available to all registered attendees prior to the event. Through the conference portal, you will be able to network with other attendees before, during and after the event. All registered attendees will receive email notification and instructions for accessing portal when it is live.

We suggest business casual attire as appropriate for the event. We recommend you dress as you feel comfortable and remember a jacket or sweater for the air-conditioned theatre and exhibit hall.

Your badge is your “ticket” into all conference activities (sessions, exhibitions, meals, and receptions). Badges must be always worn and are not transferable at any time.

Speaker presentations will be available post-conference on the IRACON 23 Portal. All registered attendees will receive an email with instructions for accessing the speaker presentations after the event. Please note: we must have the speaker’s permission to post their presentation.

HURRY UP! Book your Seat


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    Indian Rheumatology Association Hyderabad Chapter