Oral Presentations
November 24, 2023
9:10 AM – 9:50 AM IST
Hall B
Oral Papers (Clinical / Basic Rheumatology)
RA and others (5) - 173, 351, 495, 513
November 24, 2023
9:10 AM – 9:50 AM IST
Hall C
Oral Papers (Clinical / Basic Rheumatology)
VASCULITIS AND LUPUS - 145, 200, 708, 746 & 729
November 24, 2023
10:10 AM – 11:00 AM IST
Hall B
Oral Papers (Clinical / Basic Rheumatology)
Lupus(6) - 177, 241, 480, 569, 594, 718
November 24, 2023
3:00 PM – 3:56 PM IST
Hall C
Oral Papers (Clinical / Basic Rheumatology)
CTDs Myositis(3) - 274, 298, 712.
SSC(4)- 242, 304, 339,753
CTD-ILD - 210
November 25, 2023
11:10 AM – 12:00 PM IST
Hall B
Oral Papers (Basic/Clinical)
SPA(4) - 271.296, 341,752
General (2) - 416, 694
Fibromyalgia(1) - 436
Call for abstract would be announced soon
Guidelines for the Submission
Abstract Guidelines
The Abstract content should not exceed 3600 printable characters.
'Title' a minimum of 15, maximum of 300 characters can be included , 'Key message' emanating from your research (500 char. max.).
Background (400 characters), Objectives (200 characters ), Methods (700 characters ), Results (1000 characters ), Conclusions (500 characters ), Figure Legends (300 characters ), Keywords up to 5, References up to 2.
Audio submission step for abstract is to create an engaging audio summary that highlights the significance of the study and its benefits for readers. However, the author should avoid describing all the methods, results, and conclusions and instead focus on the main points and highlights of the research. To transition between ideas and points, the use of conjunct adverbs such as "however" and "instead" can be helpful. The audio summary must not exceed 3 minutes. This is an optional step.
Tables : Two tables up to 10 columns | 10 rows.
Tables/Images: Up to 2 graphic files and 1 table OR 2 tables and 1 graphic. 1
Case Report Guidelines
Case Report should not exceed 3300 printable characters.
Title minimum 15, maximum of 300 characters. Key message emanating from your research (500 characters )
Case Detail (2500 characters ) , Figure Legends (300 characters ) , Keywords up to 5, References up to 2
Audio submission should be summary of learning points from your case.
Tables : Two tables up to 10 columns | 10 rows
Tables/Images: Up to 2 graphic files and 1 table OR 2 tables and 1 graphic. 2
Abstracts or case report will be reviewed blinded. Submissions will be subjected to a single blind review process by a panel of experts in the field. Mean scores will be calculated for each abstract and based on this best papers are selected for oral presentations, or they may be rejected. Each abstract will be scored based on the following criteria: scientific merit, suitable sample size, proper statistical analysis, adherence to instructions and originality of the work. Abstract or case report acceptance will be in one of the categories:
Oral | e-poster presentations
Assignment Notification
Only selected authors will be notified by e-mail by mid-September 2023 if their abstract has been accepted. It is the responsibility of the submitter to notify the other co-authors of the outcome decision. Instructions for oral presentation and e-poster preparation will be e-mailed in due course to the submitting authors.
4Withdrawal of an Abstract / Case Report
Any request for withdrawal should be sent to support@qeni.com before September 2023. The submitter must clearly explain the reason for withdrawal . Abstract submitted shouldn't be a part of another journal or conference 6 months prior.
5Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
All submitting authors must disclose, on behalf of all other authors of the abstracts, any conflicts of interest during the online abstract submission.
When you submit your abstract online, you will be asked to indicate if the authors now or in the past 12 months have had a significant financial interest or other relationship with commercial companies or other entities whose products or services you may discuss in your presentation, or who are supporting this activity.
For any of the following relationship categories that apply to each author, you will be asked to indicate the relationship and name the commercial entities involved:
1.Shareholder | 2.Grant / research support | 3.Consultant | 4.Employee | 5.Paid instructor | 6.Speaker bureau
We request all presenters to cooperate by declaring any potential conflict of interest on their slides or e-posters.
Terms & Conditions
Abstracts that describe original basic and clinical science related to the broad area of rheumatic diseases can be submitted.
Case reports can be submitted under the Clinical science section.
Splitting of data originating from the same study across several abstracts and/or topics is not permitted and will lead to rejection of the abstracts.
Submissions made via abstract submission system on IRACON 2023 website will be accepted. Any abstracts sent by post or email will not be accepted.
Creation of a user account is required for the submission of an abstract. Once the paper is selected for presentation at the conferences, presenting author needs to register for the conference.
Please read carefully all the instructions available on the on-line abstract submission system before preparing your abstract.
The title or body of the abstract should not include names of individuals or the names of the institutions.
By submitting your audio presentation, you acknowledge that all necessary permissions and consents have been obtained by you, and you agree that IRA reserves the right to use, promote, or post part or all of your audio on our social media accounts or websites, without prior notice. Furthermore, you declare that the content of your audio is true and accurate, and that any coauthors have approved the content.
Abstracts can be saved in “Draft status” to be re-edited and modified until the Finalisation stage or completed.
Organizing committee is not responsible for errors in the abstract submission. It is important that you read your text to ensure accuracy with no spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections will be accepted after the abstract submission deadline and the abstract will be published exactly as submitted.
Organizer will not translate any abstract. It will be published, if accepted, as submitted in English.
Abstracts fulfilling all criteria can be saved in “Final submission” status. Only abstracts submitted successfully will be considered for the conference.
Abstract / Case Report once submitted is not permitted for modifications or withdrawal, so kindly review before final Submission.
The final step "Review my work" of the online submission process has an option to generate a confirmation email that your abstract has been received. The confirmation email represents the successful submission of an abstract for the review process.
The presenting author is the sole point of contact for all abstract co-authors. The organizing committee will direct all co-author inquiries to the presenting author.
The organizing committee requests the author(s) to refrain from contacting the organisers or scientific chair personally or telephonically. Any queries regarding abstract status, notification, distribution, and/or publication dates etc. may be sent to the IRACON 2023 email, support@qeni.com.
The decision of the scientific committee to accept/reject the abstract and the mode of presentation (oral/e-poster) would be final.
Organizer and the Scientific Program Committee do not correspond on the reasons of acceptance/rejection of an abstract. No recommendation shall be entertained in this regard.
Let's Know the topics for Submission
CT01 - Rheumatoid arthritis - prognosis, predictors and outcome
CT02 - Rheumatoid arthritis - comorbidity and clinical aspects
CT03 - Rheumatoid arthritis - biological and biosimilar DMARDs and targeted synthetic DMARDs
CT04 - Rheumatoid arthritis – conventional synthetic DMARDs and other non-biologic and non ts-DMARDs
CT05 - SLE, Sjögren's and APS - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
CT06 - SLE, Sjögren's and APS – treatment
CT07 - Vasculitis - large vessel vasculitis
CT08 - Vasculitis- medium vessel vasculitis
CT09 - Vasculitis - small vessel vasculitis
CT10 - Scleroderma, myositis and related syndromes
CT11 - Spondyloarthritis - clinical aspects (other than treatment
CT12 - Spondyloarthritis – treatment
CT13 - Psoriatic arthritis - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
CT14 - Psoriatic arthritis - treatment
CT15 - Osteoarthritis- clinical aspects and treatment
CT16 - Osteoporosis- clinical aspects and treatment
CT17 - Crystal arthropathy, metabolic bone diseases and bone diseases other than osteoporosis
CT18 - Infection-related rheumatic diseases
CT19 - Paediatric rheumatology
CT21 - Diagnostics and imaging procedures
CT22 - Validation of outcome measures and biomarkers
CT23 - Pain in rheumatic diseases, including Fibromyalgia
CT24 - Mechanical musculoskeletal problems, soft tissue rheumatism
CT25 - Biomarkers in CTD and vasculitis
CT26 - Autoinflammatory diseases
CT27 - Inborn errors of immunity / primary immunodeficiency disorders
CT28 - Epidemiology, risk factors for disease or disease progression
CT29 - Public health, health services research, and health economics
CT30 - Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy
CT31 - Patient Education
CT32 - Rheumatology education and practice
CT33 - Miscellaneous
BS01 - Genetic studies in rheumatic diseases
BS02 - Innate immunity in rheumatic diseases
BS03 - Adaptive immunity (T cells and B cells) in rheumatic diseases
BS04 - Basic and translational pain science
BS05 - Rheumatoid arthritis - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
BS06 - Spondyloarthritis - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
BS07 - SLE, Sjögren's and APS - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
BS08 - Systemic sclerosis, myositis and related syndromes - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
BS09 - Vasculitis - aetiology, pathogenesis and animal models
BS10 - OA - aetiology, pathology and animal models
BS11 - Bone diseases, including osteoporosis and osteoimmunology: aetiology pathology and animal models
BS12 - Basic science in paediatric rheumatology
BS14 - Miscellaneous
To get started with the submission process, it's essential to first create a profile and choose between Case Report or Abstract based on two categories. From there, simply follow the submission steps provided. This year, the scientific committee has introduced a new option to summarize the study in just three minutes, giving authors the chance to provide a brief overview of their submission as a audio link. However, it's crucial to make sure that neither the author nor the institute name, nor any personal or confidential information is recorded in the audio. So, it's important to exercise caution when preparing the summary. Go through the resource centre to know more
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Support info
Phone: 1800 309 9144Our team is available Monday to Friday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm IST and Saturday – Sunday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm IST
For reviewing abstrat and case reports kindly click
If you have any questions regarding abstract submissions, please contact the Program Manager
HURRY UP! Book your Seat
Organised By
Indian Rheumatology Association